Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Commercially Feasible Development Capacity - What Is It?

In this blog I want to look more closely at the modelling of residential development feasibility carried out for the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP). The concept of development feasibility has been central to the consideration of the PAUP. As I set out in my blog of 5 August 2016, while the plan recommended to Auckland Council by the Independent Hearings Panel provides the physical space for up to 1.5 million dwellings, feasible capacity is assessed by the panel to be 420,000 dwellings. The 1.5m number was driven by the need to get to 420,000, not the other way around.

The need to provide capacity for future residential growth is an important aspect of any plan, and the AUP has taken considerable strides to open up capacity in the existing urban area. This is a good thing. What I want to look at is how the plan has estimated capacity and what the implications are for planning practice.

First up, the difference between what can be termed a theoretical  measure of capacity enabled by a plan (in the case of the PAUP, the 1.5m dwellings) and what may be realistic or feasible has been an issue know to planners for a long time.  What is different about the AUP  process is the extent to which determination of what is feasible has been driven by commercial considerations, and the extent to which the feasible capacity (rather than theoretical capacity) has dominated the deliberations of the Panel.

To date, planners have tended to focus on the theoretical figure and used a number of proxies to work out what may be feasible within that number. That feasible number is then considered in terms of whether there is enough capacity to meet short to medium terms needs, knowing that what is feasible will change over time and that plans get modified and updated. Taking a different approach to both issues is not necessarily wrong, but there are policy implications to consider.

First up is the question of which to look at first: theoretical or feasible capacity?  As I said, planners have always been taking stabs at what is feasible, rather than just theoretical, but in doing so they have always had an eye on the theoretical number as the starting point. Why is that? Well the Council's 2013 Capacity For Growth Study makes the following point[1]:

"It is critical that we understand the maximum number of dwellings that the plan has enabled in various areas, because although it is highly unlikely that all of these opportunities will be taken up, it is probable that at least some could be. It is important to be able to accurately capture the degree of maximum theoretical change the plan enables as a best (or worst) case scenario to determine what the maximum level of change that the plan allows is, based on the existing level of development, current cadastre and generally compliant future development".

What are the risks of not estimating theoretical capacity?  The Council report doesn't say exactly, but I guess they could be infrastructure-related or possibly in terms of potential cumulative changes to the amenity and character of an area.  If you are an infrastructure provider - like the Ministry of Education thinking about future schools - which number do you plan for in a specific area: the much bigger theoretical number or the smaller 'feasible' number? If you are trying to communicate to a community what is likely to happen to their area in the future, which picture do you paint: the theoretical or the feasible? The community will probably go straight to the theoretical maximum figure and say that is what should be planned for in terms of transport, open space and the like.

Are these big risks? If there is a big difference between the plan enabled number and the feasible number, perhaps. If the numbers are not too dissimilar then it is not such a worry. Equally, if growth is lumpy and concentrated in some areas more so than others, then yes, there may be issues focusing on one set of numbers and not the other.

The counter point is that too much of a focus on the theoretical situation means that actual feasible capacity may be insufficient to meet housing demands and as a result ramp up land and house prices. As we are constantly being told these days, there needs to be lots of feasible capacity for the housing market to operate efficiently. So don't focus on the theoretical figure. 

In the past, planners ran off some rules of thumb as to the difference between theoretical and feasible capacity. I can remember in the early 1990s estimating for the former North Shore City Council area that about a third of the plan enabled capacity figure was realistic and likely, while another third may be feasible in the longer term, but the final third was never likely to happen. This was based on a survey of people's intentions to redevelop their sites. In coming to a picture of the theoretical capacity, we had already discounted (based on a sample survey) residential properties where we considered physical constraints precluded redevelopment. So the estimate at that time of feasible capacity was based on people's intentions and a stab at immovable constraints.  I judged that so long as there was 5 to 7 years supply of feasible capacity relative to demand, then there was sufficient buffer in the system, and there was time to do the forward planning needed to identify and rezone more land over that time to provide for growth 7 to 15 years out. The 2006 Auckland Regional Council Capacity for Growth Study did something much the same. Plan enabled residential capacity was estimated to be around 216,000 dwellings. A modified assessment to take into account feasibility issues reduced that number by 30%. That adjusted number was judged sufficient to cater for about 15 to 20 years growth.

Up to the mid 2000s, this approach to estimating capacity seemed to work Ok. Since the late-2000s, house prices have accelerated and the question of whether there is sufficient feasible supply has become a core issue.  Whether house price rises have been driven by a shortage of capacity (rather than a shortage of housing) is something to come back to.

The focus on house prices and the need for 'buildable'  development capacity has brought forward the idea of commercial (or financial) feasibility of development as the way to determine what may be realistically built, rather than some form of consideration of  physical constraints or people's intentions.

The approach to feasible capacity based on a 'commercial' model of development is a relatively new approach in NZ. It is a principle set out in the draft National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity recently put out by the Minister for the Environment. It is a strong feature of the UK planning system post changes to their National Policy Framework.

What is it? The Panel's Overview report[2] says that "feasible enabled residential capacity means the total quantum of development that appears commercially feasible to supply, given the opportunities enabled by the recommended Unitary Plan, current costs to undertake development, and current prices for dwellings. The modelling of this capacity at this stage is not capable of identifying the likely timing of supply".

The report to the Panel from the relevant expert group does note that all versions of the model used to estimate feasible development capacity (the ACDC Model) "are not a forecast of development – they are a measurement, based on a snapshot in time of the opportunities for commercially feasible development given ‘today's’ costs, prices and planning frameworks".

Is it a realistic means of estimating the capacity needed? Here you have got to say that the IHP and associated experts have taken the concept much further than others are prepared to go. As I mentioned, the concept of development feasibility is part of the UK planning system and so a range of reports and guidelines have been developed in the UK as to how to assess feasibility on a site-by-site basis. They all basically follow the same methodology.  Sale prices for new dwellings to be constructed are estimated, costs of building them are then deducted along with fees and charges, allowance for financing costs and profit for developer; and in the UK at least, the costs of any planning obligations. The residual (expected return less costs) is what can be spent buying the development site. If sales less costs means a residual greater than current value of the development site, then the development is feasible. But if sales less costs result in a residual less than current site values, then the development is infeasible.

But can you apply this methodology across space and time?  The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICs) state that area-wide feasibility testing over a medium to long term time frame is not reliable or possible at present (see for example: RICS April 2015, Financial Viability Appraisal in Planning Decisions: Theory and Practice).  

The Auckland capacity model (ACDC) uses site level rating valuation data in relation to costs of purchase of development sites, but as we know mass appraisal data is not market value (but where else do you start?). And what about costs over time? Has the ACDC model been calibrated? Has it been applied to two known points in time, such as rating data from 2011 and the results compared to what actually got built up to 2015?  

RICs go on to note a number of issues with standard development feasibility testing at a site-by-site level, not the least of which is how you address land values. Land values should always be hovering around the point of development in-feasibility. Under the ACDC model used by the IHP (as far as I can tell), land values are static. But wont land values rise once the new zonings are in place?  It is easy to estimate the increase in the number of units that may be built on a site and say that sale values will be x rather than y, and as the result the residual increases. Landowners are not dumb and over time land values will adjust to the new normal.

In short I'm pretty suspicious of the feasible development model because of these issues. My prediction is that in 5 years time, a re-run of the ACDC model will show that feasible development capacity with the zonings and development envelopes of the AUP in place is much less than that estimated by the current modelling round. This is because of land values adjusting (let alone cost information changing). There will be renewed calls to expand capacity and that house prices are rising due to constricted supply. 

However I accept the point that some form of estimate of feasible capacity is needed. I'm just not convinced that the ACDC model is the right way to go. At the end of the day what seems to be needed is a competitive land and development market, with more willing sellers of land ready for redevelopment than buyers. Isn't that what we need to aim for? Using the commercial feasibility approach to increase the pool of available development sites is one way to go about it, but it is a complex way.  The other way is to develop some form of heuristic that gets close enough. For example, the various runs of the ACDC model seem to be consistent at around 15 to 20% of theoretical development being feasible.  So in other words, if needed feasible capacity is 100 dwellings, then theoretical capacity needs to be 500. The other way to crack it might be to say that to enable a competitive market, for every development needed, there needs to 3 to 5 sites to choose from, or something similar.

Does it matter at the end of the day? Well the question I posed in my 11 August 2016 blog was whether in getting to the 420,000 figure, the AUP panel has overlooked some more practical issues of where the feasible capacity is located. Added to that is the price of the dwellings needed to justify the redevelopment anticipated. Here the ACDC model and consideration of commercial feasibility is a bit more useful. As an example, below is a table and graph which compares feasible development capacity, as estimated by the ACDC model for the Council planner's evidence to the Panel and what the Panel has recommended. This is for business and residential zones. I have grouped the data into the four sub regions I used in 11 August blog.

Table 1: Feasible development capacity estimate (dwellings)
Urban Sector
IHP's plan

Figure 1: Feasible development capacity
So feasible capacity, while growing overall between the two versions of the plans, increased in some areas but reduced in others. The reduction in feasible capacity between the two plans in the west and south seem odd. You would think it would be helpful to increase capacity in the west and south, given the affordability profile of these areas. Of course the results may be a contrivance of the ACDC model assuming that the capacity in the west or south requires more expensive forms of housing (e.g. apartments) which are less likely to sell, when in fact the capacity available will be taken up by less intensive (and cheaper) forms of housing like town houses, terraces and infill units. Is the increase in capacity in the north sensible, given transport constraints and limited employment opportunities?

In terms of the sales values of the resulting houses needed to make the redevelopment feasible, Figure 2 below is from the data in the Panel's report and similar data in Council's evidence.

Figure 2: Estimated sale price of feasible dwellings ($1,000s)

While probably needing to be taken with a grain of salt  given the above reservations, the data suggests that the feasible capacity is heavily dependent upon higher priced dwellings being built and sold. A number of folk have pointed out the miss-match with household income profiles for the region. One response is that the houses actually built will be smaller than that estimated, or alternatively, there will be fewer houses. A steep drop in house prices and land values would alter the calculations.  But is that likely to happen? 

So after all that, is the feasible development capacity enabled by the plan really 'feasible'? 

[1] Capacity for Growth Study 2013: Methodology and Assumptions, page 50. Auckland Council. Retrieved from: http://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/EN/planspoliciesprojects/reports/technicalpublications/Documents/tr2014009capacityforgrowthstudy2013paupmethodolgyandassumptionspart1.pdf
[2] Page 49.