In my blog of 21 October 2018 I developed a thought experiment of how the city redeveloped in a series of steps as buildings aged and land values rose. The result is a ‘southern alps’ type profile of building density / height (as they respond to increased land value). The tallest buildings are not necessarily in the middle of the city, and the profile of height (or density) is not a smooth curve from the centre to the fringe.
A question prompted by the exercise was what if one area of the imaginary city had a constraint placed on it? What if a height limit, density control or similar meant that buildings could not be built to a height that is reflective of the land values present? The height profile will be different in the area affected by the constraint.
Often when considering a planning constraint we get presented with a figure similar to the one below. Rather than a smooth curve of reducing land value as distance increases, there is a disruption created by a planning constraint. In this case the constraint is represented by the grey bar. The constraint creates a ‘cliff’ along the curve.
An urban boundary control may be one example of a constraint: land on the inside of the urban fence is worth much more than land on the outside. A similar difference might come about by the constraint being a viewshaft that limits height or perhaps a special character area that limits new buildings.
The difference in land values at the constraint boundary is often taken to be the ‘cost’ of the constraint. In my made up example, on one side of the constraint, land is worth 200 units per square metre, while on the other side, land is 450 units, more than a halfing of ‘value’. If the constraint did not apply would land be worth $400 units where the two lines join?
But is it that straight forward?
Let’s start with some basic demand and supply graphs, the types that economists use. (Warning: Not being an economist, I may get some things wrong). First up is a standard demand and supply graph in an unconstrained situation, with, in this case, the quantity of floor space along the bottom (horizontal) axis and price on the vertical axis.
The red demand line intersects with the black supply line. Q1 quantity of floorspace is provided at P1 prices. All good.
Now we introduce a (valid, well justified) constraint on supply. The black supply line is vertical (fixed) rather than sloping.
The price of the floorspace increases from p1 to p2, while the quantity supplied reduces from Q1 to Q2.
But this might be called a closed or static city model. Supply is fixed, there are no compensating actions; development cannot shift location within the city due to the constraint, for example.
What happens when we have a more dynamic city where things can shift and adjust?
We need to start with two different types of floorspace: Class A central city and Class B fringe office space, for example.
Then we assume the following two demand ‘curves’. They have different slopes. Class A office space is more willing to pay higher prices to be closer to the centre, so the demand curve is steeper than the Class B demand line. Where the two demand lines cross over is the edge of the CBD.
What happens if the supply of Class B floorspace is constrained? First we have to assume what the non constrained supply curves for Class B space may look like. In the following graph I have ‘grayed out’ the Class A office space demand and supply curves, and left in the (assumed) Class B office space demand and supply curve.
So quantity Q of Class B space at price p.
Then we add in the vertical constraint. The quantity of Class B space goes down from Q1 to Q2 (as a movement to the left means less space), and price of Class B space increases from p1 to p2.
What happens to the unmet Class B office space demand? There is demand for Q1, but supply is limited to Q2. What happens if that supply gets transferred to the central area, to the Class A floorspace area? The Class A area has only one constraint on the supply of office space. No height limits apply, so the Class A area can go higher. However the Class A area cannot expand out any further.
We also need to assume that the unmet Class B space demand cannot go the ‘other way’; that is, shift to being further away from the centre, into the next ring out. For example, let’s assume that the next ring out is residential zoning. It may also be possible that the unmet Class B demand shifts to a different city altogether (like Hamilton).
The following graph shows the shift in demand for Class A space (the two red lines) in response to some displaced demand from Class B office space area.
In this case the demand for Class A space shifts outwards, so the quantity supplied increases from Q1 to Q2, but price goes up from p1 to p2.
But if the Class A space supply can increase (more height for example), then the supply curve may shift, and prices might not change that much. In this case the supply line shifts to the right a bit. Prices may go up a bit, depending upon the slope, but maybe not as much if the supply curve stays static.
So overall, the constraint has three effects:
- The supply of Class B space is less than what is demanded and a bit more expensive for all those offices space consumers in the Class B space area;
- Class A space expands to accommodate the office space that can’t get into the Class B area. This extra demand may increase prices, less so if supply can also expand easily;
- The displaced Class B space consumers who occupy Class A space end up paying more for their office space than might otherwise have been the case, or perhaps the Class B office space users need to consume less Class A office space than they might otherwise do, to keep their costs down.
Now time to turn to my imaginary city and its land values and building heights.
In my imaginary city, presumably there are some land value changes as a result of the suppression of demand in the second ring out, but also changes from some of its relocation to the central ring.
If we start with the land values for the first two rings of my made up city, then we get the following graph. The graph has time periods on the horizontal axis. As time goes by and the city grows, then land values steadily rise.
I then turned those land values into building heights (using a basic assumption of $100 of land value units supports 1 storey of floorspace). Taking into account that buildings last for 3 time periods before they can redeveloped, then I get the following building height profile.
Now the question is what may happen should the 2km ring of development be constrained in some way.
The following diagram has a building height constraint of 8 storeys applied to the 2km ring; a constraint that has effect at time period 8. Rather than be 11 storeys in the unconstrained model, in this case buildings are 3 storeys less in height.
The next graph returns to land values. It suggests a ‘flattening’ out of the 2km land value curve, in response to the 8 storey constraint. Perhaps land values continue to rise, but to a lesser extent than the unconstrained model.
Over time, there is quite a wedge between what the 2km curve might have looked like without the constraint (the dashed 2km line) and the constrained line.
Now let’s assume that most of the 2km floorspace demand is displaced to the 1km floorspace area. The value of land goes up as demand increases.
This is not a one-for-one shift, as land values in the 1km ring are higher than the 2km ring (in my case about 20% more). So demand for 3 storeys in the 2km ring might translate into demand for 2.5 storeys in the 1km ring, if the amount that tenants pay in rent stays the same.
Land values in the 1km ring increase as supply of floorspace responds to demand rises. Overtime the wedge gets bigger.
Back to the opening diagram, part of the difference in land values between the inside and outside of the constraint could therefore be from displaced demand. Not all of the difference is a cost from suppressed supply. The reduced land value from the constraint is probably not off-set by an equal amount from increase in land values on the other side of the constraint, but there is likely to be a bit of a shift.
So with the constraint in place and some transfer of floorspace demand, we can make the following comments:
Area (ring)
Amount of
floorspace |
Land values
rents |
1km - unconstrained (Class A area)
Higher, depending upon supply
2km - constrained (Class B area)
Landowners in the unconstrained area are likely to see a benefit, but landowners in the constrained area will see lower values than might otherwise be the case.
Building occupiers are likely to see increases in prices/rents in both areas, and as mentioned, Class B office space occupiers are likely to have to accept higher prices or smaller premises if they have to shift to Class A office space areas.
The above are the 'costs', not the 'benefits'. Working out the benefits of the constraint is beyond me. There is the direct benefit, but there may be other, off-setting benefits from more floorspace in the Class A area:
However, overtime, as the wedge between what might otherwise happen and what does happen in the constrained area gets bigger, it may be harder to put in place these compensating actions.
The above are the 'costs', not the 'benefits'. Working out the benefits of the constraint is beyond me. There is the direct benefit, but there may be other, off-setting benefits from more floorspace in the Class A area:
- Public transport services may be better. Big investments like the Central Rail Link in Auckland may be made sooner if there is more floorspace . This investment in transport accessibility benefits all landowners and tenants.
- Some redevelopment of sites may be brought forward if there is more demand
- The Class B occupiers may fill up ‘hard to rent’ areas in the central area.
- The unconstrained area may be a busier and more lively place with more cafes and lunch bars, helping to generate more vitality.
On the other side of the coin, less floorspace in the constrained area may reduce the vitality of that area.
Perhaps the short answer to the initial question of what are the implications of a constraint is that it is hard to unravel all of the changes that go on. The other point is that for every constraint imposed, does there need to be some sort of alternative location provided? That alternative may not be perfect, but at least there is some form of 'compensating' action. However, overtime, as the wedge between what might otherwise happen and what does happen in the constrained area gets bigger, it may be harder to put in place these compensating actions.